Getting VO Representation

Voiceover Lab


Getting VO Representation

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Begins at 12:00 PM PDT | 3:00 PM EDT
Check-in begins at: 11:45 AM PDT | 2:45 PM EDT

1 Hour 30 Minutes

Monday, September 19, 2022


The voiceover industry has changed rapidly over the past decade. Join EIF staff member Shannon as she walks you through how modern voiceover work is booked. In this session she will cover the use and importance of a demo, which areas of voiceover require agent representation and what you'll need to secure that representation, as well as an exploration of the areas of voiceover you can pursue without an agent. This class will include resources and ideas on how and where you can seek voiceover auditions. This class is not designed for members who are brand new to voiceover. It is geared to those who have some training and a clear idea of which area(s) of the industry they want to pursue.


Participants must remain for the duration of the session.