Sponsored in conjunction with The New School for Drama, the SAG Foundation Short Film Showcase is an innovative series that celebrates short films by talented emerging filmmakers and offers union members an opportunity to engage with working writers and directors in an intimate setting. The Short Film Showcase encourages and empowers actors to create their own work in a supportive environment. Short films from our showcase have been nominated for an Academy Award, Tribeca Film Festival, Manhattan Film Festival and many more.
Open Spaces - Directed by Nick Rafter
An elderly neighbor encourages an young Arab American to pursue his dream… even if he’s a suspected suicide bomber.
Callie Wants a Solo - Directed by Erick Fix
Sick of crazy stage moms, a young theater teacher decides to get away for the weekend with her co-worker and ends up ruining her surprise engagement.
Double Negative - Directed by Brian Dilg
A tough grade school English teacher on a rock-bottom bender finds unexpected redemption when she meets an even tougher 12 year old boy with whom she shares more than either of them realize.
A New Man - Directed by Will Thompson
After his wife leaves him, Charles begins to assume the identities of strangers at a local coffee shop to avoid being alone.
Bandito - Directed by Evan Ari Kelman
Bandito is the coming-of-age epic adventure of a young boy who sneaks out to join his older brother on a semi-truck heist.
Everyone's an Actor - Directed by Erick Fix
Dan and Josie talk about a music video and receive some unsolicited headshots from actors passing by.